Background Checks

Who are background checked hackers?

Background checked hackers have satisfied strict background and identity checks. They are also active and high-performing members of the HackerOne community.

What are the benefits of being a background checked hacker?

Being a background-checked hacker makes you eligible to participate in:

  • HackerOne Clear programs (programs that require you to be background checked in order to participate)
  • Live hacking events that require background-checks
  • Retesting
  • Department of Defense (DoD) challenges (only if you're in an acceptable region)

How does a hacker become background checked?

To be a part of the background checked hacker community, you need to be a member of the HackerOne community that produces high quality findings, acts responsibly, and behaves professionally (zero Code of Conduct violations). You’ll specifically be invited to obtain a background check through which you’ll need to agree to a stricter set of terms called the HackerOne Clear Finder Additional Terms. (These terms build on our regular hacker terms but have stricter confidentiality terms and higher expectations around professional conduct.)

After agreeing to the terms, you’ll need to pass a criminal background check. When the background check comes back without any red flags, you’ll be certified to participate in HackerOne Clear programs.

Note: The background check is repeated on an annual basis and is required to retain your participation in HackerOne Clear programs.